
Monday, March 25, 2013

Smells Like Free Spirit!

So I was in a bit of a hippie mood a few weeks ago – you know, that mood where you feel like running barefoot in the meadow and using natural patchouli scented deodorant??? Ya that type of mood.  Anyways, I was visiting my (sister’s) local Whole Foods to pick up chia seeds (why put anti oxidants on your skin when you can eat them instead?) when I wandered into the “natural beauty” section.  Oh the wonderful things I found!

Now I can never refuse anything rose scented, so I was drawn towards a shelf full of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Pure Castile Soap.  What is Castile soap?  Centuries ago, all vegetable based soap was made in the Castile region of Spain from local olive oil.  Now “castile” refers to any vegetable oil-based soap versus animal based soap we have all come to know.  Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap is a combo of organic extra virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, hemp oil and coconut oil put together with other essential oils.  For the tree hugger in you, this soap is made with certified fair trade and organic oils using sustainable farming practices.  It is completely biodegradable and has no synthetic foaming agents, thickeners or preservatives. 

This bottle packs a punch and boasts tons of uses.  You can use it as body wash (few drops on loofah sponge works into a velvety lather), household cleaner (dilute 1 part soap to 40 parts water and put it in a spray bottle to clean off counters), laundry detergent for your delicates, shampoo (haven’t tried this one but would try it if I were trapped on an island with no shampoo), toothpaste (not sure about this one...), cleaner for makeup brushes, spot cleaner on stains (works amazing!) the list goes on and on.  I even use it to clean my yoga mats – spray, wipe and go! 

Small version of soap + soap diluted in a spray bottle for household uses
Now I have to say that this won’t lather the same way you are used to with a regular body wash, but it does have a light, gentle scent and leaves your skin feeling soft.  The other downside is that it is not a true rose smells like fake roses.  So smell before you buy! And if roses aren’t your thing, this comes in a variety of different scents like lavender, peppermint, citrus, almond, eucalyptus, etc. Probably better to use peppermint if you use this as a mouthwash.

So go ahead beautistas! Embrace your inner bohemian soul, take a shower and then run barefoot in a lush meadow and smell the wild flowers.  And then use your body wash to do your laundry, clean your counters, brush your teeth and refresh your yoga mats.  Who knew being a hippie could be so efficient?!

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